This course will explore the many facets of public and medical health and well-being. Content will relate to individuals, the community, and the careers and institutions directly involved with health and wellness issues. Students will explore all domains of health including psychosocial, physical, and environmental elements and their impact on a person’s wellness. Students will examine how one’s culture, socioeconomic status, behaviors, attitudes, and heredity play a role in a person’s well-being. While working within allied medical field and community health organizations, students will better understand healthcare needs and the importance of health education and promotion. Students will promote healthy behaviors and work on community health promotion events. Students will learn transferable skills related to entry-level health occupations, explore career options, and become knowledgeable with post-secondary educational options. Community activities are dependent on the availability of such opportunities within the district and community. Integrated throughout the course are career preparation standards, desirable employee attributes and job seeking skills, as well as personal and interpersonal skills, problem solving, and communication skills.